Actual Support Services Ltd are specialists in gutter cleaning for commercial and industrial units and residential blocks. We clean utilising various methods, whether it is with our latest solution the Gutter Vac, which can extend up to four floors or for the more inaccessible of gutters using one of our own fleet of Hydraulic Access Platforms. Whichever method, you can be sure that your gutters will be cleaned to the highest standard, safely!
We also have the ability to video survey your gutters prior and after cleaning, this has some key benefits, firstly, to ensure the key areas of debris are addressed and cleaned, but also this evidence can be used to support any future insurance claims enabling businesses to provide evidence that preventative maintenance has been carried out to prevent flooding through blocked drains and gutters.
We not only clean but if we find any defects with your gutters we can rectify them. Our fully trained operatives can fix the smallest to largest of problems with your gutters and will obtain the cheapest most cost effective solution.